Arizona State University, Tempe, USA |
www.asu.edu |
Basel School of Design/Switzerland |
basics.sfgbasel.ch |
Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany |
www.uni-weimar.de |
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, USA |

www.cca.edu |
California State University,
Chico, USA |
www.csuchico.edu/cdes |
Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, USA |
www.cmu.edu/cfa/design |
Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China |
www.cafa.com.cn/asp/index.asp |
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology,
New Zealand |
www.cpit.ac.nz |
The Cooper Union |
www.cooper.edu |
die graphische, Vienna, Austria |
www.graphische.at |
Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands |
www.trdesignet.com/design |
Durban Institute of Technology, South Africa |
www.dit.ac.za |
École Nationale
Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France |
www.ensad.fr |
ELISAVA Escola Superior de Disseny, Barcelona, Spain |
www.elisava.es |
Fachhochshule Darmstadt
Fachbereich Gestaltung, Germany |
www.fbg.fh-darmstadt.de |
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), New York, USA |
www.fitnyc.edu |
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy |
www.unibz.it |
Glasgow School of Art,
Scotland |
www.gsa.ac.uk |
University, Seoul, Korea |
www.hongik.ac.kr |
Hong Kong
Institute of Vocational Education, China |
stde.vtc.edu.hk/showcase.htm |
of Design at IIT, Chicago, USA |
www.id.iit.edu |
Instituto de Artes Visuales,
Design e Marketing (ESD/IADE), Lisbon, Portugal |
www.iade.pt |
Kanazawa International
Design Institute, Japan |
www.kidi.ac.jp/index.php |
Kent State
University, Kent, USA |
www.kent.edu/cci |
LCP: London College of Communication, England |
www.lcp.linst.ac.uk |
Maryland Institute College of Art |
www.mica.edu |
Musashino Art University, Tokyo,
Japan |
musabi.ac.jp/e-home/home.html |
Institute of Design, Niigata, Japan |
www.nagaoka-id.ac.jp |
National College of Art and
Design, Dublin, Ireland |
www.ncad.ie |
Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA |
www.design.ncsu.edu |
Notre Dame University, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon |
www.ndu.edu.lb |
Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada |
www.nscad.ns.ca |
College of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada |
www.ocad.ca |
School of Design, New York, USA |
www.parsons.edu |
Rhode Island School of Design |
www.risd.edu |
Royal College of Art, London,
England |
www.rca.ac.uk |
Rochester Institute
of Technology, USA |
www.rit.edu/design |
Sheridan College of Technology and Advanced Learning |
www.sheridanc.on.ca |
Soure University, Tehran, Iran |
www.art.ac.ir |
Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Argentina |
www.uba.ar |
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico |
www.udlap.mx |
of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
www.ualberta.ca/artdesign |
of Art and Design Basel, Switzerland |
www.hgkbasel.ch |
University of Canberra, Australia |
www.canberra.edu.au |
of Cincinnati, USA |
www.design.uc.edu |
University of Georgia, USA |
www.art.uga.edu |
of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
www.uic.edu/aa/artd |
University of Oregon, Eugene,
www.uoregon.edu |
University of Reading, England |
www.rdg.ac.uk |
University of Technology Sydney,
Australia |
www.uts.edu.au |
Wanganui School of Design, Wanganui, New Zealand |
www.wsd.ac.nz |
York University, Toronto, Canada |
www.design.yorku.ca |
Zimbabwe Institute of Vigital
Arts, Zimbabwe |
www.ziva.org.zw |