Project. Typographic
Purpose. The
purpose of the project is to understand and explore the relationship
of typographic elements - letters, words, lines, and paragraphs
- as they exist simultaneously in a single composition. An understanding
of typographic hierarchy through the logical ordering of textual
information - from dominant to subdominant text - should be evident.
Assignment. Design
a composition based upon information gathered during a journey
to school or down several blocks of a main street. The composition
should be composed entirely of typographic elements - abstract
form, letters, words,lines, and paragraphs. There should be no
use of hand-rendered, borrowed, digital, or photographic imagery.
You may use black and white alone; or, if appropriate to the
design, you may introduce a limited use of color.
The project will employ the use of a grid. The structure
and organization of the typographic elements should be cohesive,
interesting, and dynamic.Explore how type size, weight, letterspacing,
word spacing, leading, and alignment effect the reading of a composition
in visual form (line, curve, positive.and negative space) and function
(the communication of information).
Begin with the written documentation of your journey.
Complete a typeface analysis, considering typeface style, tone,
historical significance, width, contrast, size, weight, italic,
x-height, uppercase and lowercase characters, alignments, and line
lengths for reading continuous text. Develop the grid you will
implement to design your composition. Either a horizontal or vertical
format is acceptable. Create a variety of half-size compositions
exploring basic composition, layout, orientation, and possible
textual arrangements. Next, design three full-size computer-generated
compositions, exploring the potential of the computer as a typographic
design tool. Finally, select one of the three compositions to continue
to develop and refine.
Format. 14" x
20" (36 X 50 centimeters)
Time. 30 hours |